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made in japan

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Beatifull kimono dress made by Habuki in Tokamachi Niigata japan
made in japan
Featured products made in Japan Featured Products
Handy Belt Sander Handy Belt Sander     (Shinto Sangyo Co., Ltd)
As only 1.4kg of light body, Roller Minico can be operated by one hand. The powerful torqu.......
Angle Measuring Equipment Angle Measuring Equipment     (Obishi Keiki Seisakusho)
Universal Angle Plate Angular Combination Block Swivel Type Angle Plate Sine Plate .......
Precision Granite Surface Plate Precision Granite Surface Plate     (Obishi Keiki Seisakusho)
Precision Surface Plate using granite gabbro It is very hard and superior in wear resist.......
Maru Nomi (Carving Tools) Maru Nomi (Carving Tools)     (Ikeda Tools Co., Ltd)
Hand forged laminated steel carving tools. We have chosen a range of about 40 very common .......
Protect UV+ Protect UV+     (Earth-Blue Inc)
With the global warming effect, skin troubles with UV rays are increasing. We expect the d.......